Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to the Beginning

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog where I will be discussing anti- Muslim feelings expressed within the past year, especially as tensions of Muslims in the United States is on the rise. Being a Muslim myself, this topic interests me because there has been an increase in discriminatory acts towards Muslims throughout the last year. The significant increase in Muslim hatred is extremely noticeable especially with movements such as the burning of the Quran, denial to build a Mosque near ground zero, vandalism of Muslim property, and much more. The increase of anti-Muslim feeling has been unjustly supported with false accusations against the teaching of Islam. As a result of September 11 the United States has been at war with Muslim extremist who are terrorists, but somehow people have been associating all Muslims with terrorism even thought this is highly inaccurate. My goals are to correct these accusations made against Islam and to justify Muslim rights as citizen in the United States. I will be discussing some of the most recent expressions of hatred towards Muslims and how these acts can be classified as religious discrimination. Personally I believe that the problem to anti-Muslim feelings originates from ignorance and a lack of knowledge about Islam and Muslims. By simply bringing awareness of basic principles and ideal behaviors taught by Islam to individuals, I hope that Islam’s inaccurate affiliation with being “evil” and the devils religion will diminish.


  1. I think that education would be a good way to try and change people's negative feelings about Islam and Muslims, because so much of the hatred people feel comes from ignorance, and many do not know anything about Islam. They only know what they hear from other people or biased news sources. So if people knew more about Islam and Muslims, I think many people would be more tolerant and accepting.

  2. I think that almost all racism stems from a combination of fear and ignorance. People are naturally scared of things that they don't understand. Your blog is a breath of fresh air in world suffering from these problems.

  3. I agree that education is good way to try and change people’s feelings towards Islam and Muslims. Many people are ignorant of the religion of Islam, and they do not care to find out. America is suppose to be a country where its citizens can express any religion, yet since September 11th many Muslims feel like they have to hide their religion to avoid prejudices and acts of hatred. This is wrong. Muslims should be able to walk down the street without having people give them dirty looks and speaking rudely. As I said, I think educating people is a good to try and change people’s feelings, but only people who want to change will seek the education. You cannot educate a person if he or she does not want it. Hopefully in the future, some of this ignorance will go away, and Muslims will be able to practice Islam in peace.

  4. I completely agree with your discussion and the direction in which you hope to go in your blog. I find it ridiculous that people associate one event with an entire group of people. I will be interested to see how you approach other issues and how Americans are reacting to the Islamic faith. I hope that you can find unbiased sources that give an accurate depiction of the problems at hand rather than the very biased news sources that are seen across many televisions in the United States. Though American's feelings toward the Islamic faith are not currently good, I hope that this will soon change.

  5. Thank you for your interest in my blog. I hope you continue to read my posts as I try to find the root of what seems to be igniting these feelings of fear towards Muslims and how U.S. citizens can come together to end them.
